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Wednesday, 25 August 2021 12:07

Webinar discute Open Learning Expeditions em estudos organizacionais

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O webinar "Doing Research, Building Commons: Pragmatist Inquiry with Open Learning Expeditions" é parte do projeto “Digitality and Management: Presence, time, and space in organizations”, contemplado pelas Cátedras Franco-Brasileiras, e tem apoio do Instituto de Estudos Avançados (IEA-USP). Vai ser no dia 9 de setembro às 9h.


André Aquino, professor titular da FEA-RP/USP e pesquisador Associado do IEA-USP, receberá o professor Catedrático François-Xavier de Vaujany, professor titular de Management & Organization Studies no Dauphine Centre for Management Research (DRM), Université Paris-Dauphine-PSL para discutir o uso de Open Learning Expeditions e a construção de conhecimentos comuns em estudos organizacionais. O professor François-Xavier apresentará um estudo de 32 Open Learning Expeditions em 22 países, identificando algumas práticas relevantes para a construção de conhecimentos comuns, baseando-se em conceitos-chave do pragmatista americano John Dewey combinados com a ontologia de Merleau-Ponty para analisar ao mesmo tempo os processos da caminhada e da investigação.


O evento é gratuito, on-line e aberto ao público. Emissão de certificados ao final da série de webinares.


Faça a sua inscrição aqui.


A programação de todos os webinares do Cátedras Franco-Brasileiras pode ser consultada aqui


"Doing Research, Building Commons: Pragmatist Inquiry with Open Learning Expeditions"
Webinar discusses building commons with Open Learning Expeditions in Management and Organization Studies.


In a time of hyper-individualism, building commons becomes a key task for MOS research. By means of a research protocol based on Open Learning Expeditions, a group of researchers tries to co-construct open knowledge commons in and about a specific area of a city. This protocol (entitled OWEE) is itself a knowledge commons. From a study of 32 Open Learning Expeditions in 22 countries, Prof. François-Xavier will identify a couple of relevant practices to build knowledge commons, drawing on key concepts of the American Pragmatist John Dewey combined with the late ontology of Merleau-Ponty to analyze jointly the process of the walk and the process of the inquiry.


This webinar is part of the Chair ˜Digitality and Management: Presence, time, and space in organizations”, from the Franco-Brazilian Chairs.


More information and registration:


The schedule of all webinars can be found here:

Read 673 times Last modified on Wednesday, 25 August 2021 12:13