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Visiting Professors

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Through its own resources or by programs from the High-Educated Personnel Improvement Coordination (CAPES), the University of São Paulo (USP) provides some opportunities to foreign professors visit the school with the purpose of strengthening institutional ties, developing teaching and research activities.

Welcoming foreign professors is important and essential for the whole internationalization process. It provides sharing experiences, learning from other realities, and intensifying the academic cooperation. Thus, when welcoming foreign professors, it is interesting not only to involve them in technical visits but in teaching, research, and extension activities as well.

Manual for Visiting Professors

With the purpose of making the visiting professor’s life easy, the International Office has made a Guide with information about Ribeirão Preto City, the University of São Paulo, Campus USP at Ribeirão Preto, FEA-RP, among other interesting information that a foreign professor should know. The Visiting Professor Guide can be found here.

Scholarship Program for Visiting Professors at USP

By Decree #5910, dated of April 7, 2011, the Rectory of USP created a  Scholarship Program for Visiting Professors. Its objective is to promote the international exchange development within academic, scientific, and cultural scope so as to strengthen teaching and research, managed by a Committee composed of Rector (President), Executive Provost for International Relations (Vice-President), Provost for Graduate Studies, Provost for Research, and Provost for Academic Activities (CAA). The Committee responsible for the program holds a meeting every two months to analyze the incoming proposals.

The USP Scholarship Program for Visiting Professors is focused on stimulating professors and investigators (Brazilian or not) connected to Excellence Centers abroad to give programs (with a prospective extension under a local professor’s responsibility), to lecture and/or conduct research activities that involve master’s students or doctoral graduate programs.

The scholarship granted to the visiting professor must be no higher than the monthly salary corresponding to a MS-6 Professor in Full-Time (RDIDP). Scholarships sponsored by foreign resources are not subject to the above mentioned limit. Furthermore, foreign visiting professors can benefit from the infrastructure given by USP to its professors, and will be granted an economy class air ticket and health insurance aids.

The scholarship will last from at least a month to twelve months at the most, continued or not, though, exceptionally, there is the possibility of extending to twenty-four months at the most. At the end of the scholarship period, requesting a scholarship for this program should be formulated by the Department or equivalent, approved by the Faculty Senate or an organ equivalent to the School, and forwarded to the Committee.

Provost for Graduate Studies Of USP

The Provost for Graduate Studies of USP (PRPG) provides foreign professors and researchers with visiting aids for up to three months, and which involve short-term programs (with prospective extension under a local professor’s responsibility), lectures and/or research activities conducted with the participation of students of graduate programs.

The request for financial aid PRPG for Teaching coming or foreign researcher must be made by a USP Professor. First of all, note the Circular 01/2011 CoPGr and the aid website for more information.

We emphasize that is not possible to pay any expense that has already occurred (including passages), it is not allowed reimbursement of expenses made before the funds release.

The financing items will be:

  • Air and ground transportation;
  • Daily amounts (include feeding and lodging) no higher than 15 UFESPs;
  • Health Insurance.

The following documents should be presented at least seventy-five days prior to departure (15 days for approval of the CPG and 60 days for approval of the PRPG) :

  • Request Form duly fulfilled and signed up by the requesting USP professor;
  • Work Plan with the schedule of the activities to be developed (no more than 15 pages);
  • Justification Report made by the requesting USP professor;
  • Prepare a report of the requested aid; Insert title: "Request for assistance coming of Teachers / Researchers Foreigners - Dean of Graduate"; Describe the body: the event title (or description) with dates; detailing the items to be funded (in budget format), noting the maximum daily (15 UFESPs). The total value must match the presented on the application form; third party budget of other expenses (except daily rates);
  • It can not be by internet or email;
  • Cheap: must be travel agency, on letterhead (preferably signed, but not necessarily);
  • Health Insurance;
  • Refusal or non-approval of requests made to other fostering agencies or justifications of non-presentation/request;
  • Create or update the curriculum Lattes (the USP professor’s at least).

After the documents have been received, a CPG Letter (of approval, and forwarded to PRPG) will be written, and, then, Letter and documents will be sent to the Committee Director for approval. After the CPG’s approval, they will be sent to the Provost for Graduate Studies for the final word about the grant of aids. Please, keep in mind that this forwarding must occur within the max period of time stipulated in the Circular; therefore, be sure to forward the documents in time for the CPG Director’s approval!


In the event of an approval, a financing aids process will be open at PRPG, who will forward the process to the Accounting Section, which in turn will be forwarded to the competent sector so that the approval and the necessary procedures can be disclosed.

Agency for International Cooperation of USP (AUCANI)

If a Foreign Professor is interested in coming to USP in order to develop activities involving undergraduate and graduate students, he/she can be offered a financial aid, which is given in daily rates for the specific period of these activities and according to the values defined by the Rectory.

The interested visiting professor must contact a USP professor. The financial aid request must be submitted by a USP professor.

Information: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

French Chairs Program in São Paulo

Directed by professors from French universities. The notices are published at this website periodically:

Until 2013 November 22, applications will be received for “Programa de Cátedras Francesas do Estado de São Paulo”, sponsored by the Consulate General of France jointly with the universities of São Paulo State, including Universidade de São Paulo.

Applications are available for professors and researchers from all areas of knowledge from universities in France who are interested in pursuing academic activities at USP, for a period of 45 days up to 10 months.

Those who are selected will receive a monthly amount paid by USP, and the Consulate General of France will finance the airfare costs.

Click here to read the announcement in Portuguese – Modalidades Cátedras 2014 and in French - Modalités Chaires 2014.


CAPES (High-Educated Personnel Improvement Coordination) offers the Foreign Visiting Professor Program (PVE) that provides scholarships, economy class air tickets, and lodging-aid support. The visiting can last from fifteen days to twelve months, and it can be renewable for the same period.

The program has four scholarship modalities:

  • Young Doctor (R$3.997,09): it is the professor or researcher appointed by the institution, and with a less-than-five-year Doctoral degree;
  • Junior Doctor (R$4.889,56): it is the professor and researcher appointed by the institution, and with a more-than-five-year but less-than-eight-year Doctoral degree, academic production relevant and compatible with CNPq-1D researchers;
  • Full Doctor (R$6.931,54): it is the professor or researcher appointed by the institution, and with a more-than-8-year Doctoral degree, academic production relevant and compatible with CNPq-1C researchers;
  • Senior Doctor (R$8.905,42): it is the professor or researcher appointed by the institution, and with a more-than-eight-year Doctoral degree, academic production compatible with CNPq-1A and -1B researchers, academic status in foreign high-education or research institution similar to a full professor in federal Brazilian institutions.

Lodging-aid is up to R$2.000,00 (two thousand reais) for foreign professors who do not live or have not lived in Brazil in the last six months, paid at once in the beginning of the grant, commensurate with the initial period as approved for visiting.


For scholarships granted for up to ninety days, benefits will be paid directly into his banking account overseas, commensurate with and only when the scholarship owner returns to his home country.


The Program of Support to Graduate Studies (PROAP) of CAPES allows for refunding expenses with tickets and daily amounts to foreign professors that take part in academic activities of graduate studies programs lasting up to thirty days, in a row or not, for each period of one year.


For periods over sixteen days in a row, PROAP will pay the professor the value equal to what had been fixed in post-doc scholarships in the country. For activities that take between twelve and fifteen days, the value corresponding to half the scholarship will be paid; moreover, when the activities go up to ten days, daily amounts will be paid.