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The program aims to train professionals capable of detecting, diagnosing and proposing solutions to problems of economic and financial order, both private and public organizations. In particular, the program aims to develop skills for the solution of economic, financial problems and skills to use information that contribute to the development of organizations.

It is structured in two stages: Common Core Training and Specializations. During the first three years, students meet all subjects of Common Core Training in which the bases are founded in Economic Theory, Accounting, Mathematics, Statistics and Finance. Then the future graduated proceeds to a choice in his career, completing his training in Economics or Accounting.

The ones who choose Specialization in Economics will complete their training in Economic History and Economic Theory, strengthening the application of economic concepts in practice. Who chooses Specialization in Accounting will structure fully the essential content for training in Accounting, consolidating knowledge applied in corporate and management accounting. For each Specialization, the student can choose one of three emphases - Finance, International Business and Public Policy.


Double-professional education:

  • Accounting
  • Economics
  • Day-program, innovating, unprecedented in Brazil
  • Multidisciplinary
  • Started at FEA-RP/USP, in 2006.
  • Turned to the market demands by extensively-trained, business-in-sighted professors.
  • Academic inspiration: global curriculum by UNO
  • 70 annual openings (FUVEST - Foundation for University Entrance Exams)
  • Minimum education period:      a) four years for the first professional qualification;
  • Three Emphatic Areas:
  1. Finances
  2. International Businesses
  3. Public Policies
  • Provides multidisciplinary theoretical and practical knowledge different to the current Accounting and Economics programs


The program provides the students with ample possibilities of developing skill and competences in both professional formation areas: Accounting and Economics.

  • Accounting: focused on controlling public, private, profit, or nonprofit institutions.
  • Economics: strong theoretical concept for acknowledging how the business world works in Brazil and abroad.


The program is pervaded by related-area subjects so as to support the student’s education, which are: sociology, ethics, applied law, research methodology, among others.

Mastering quantitative methods is today fundamental for a professional to analyze data and estimate future scenarios.

The bigger the professional’s ability to read and extract complex information data is, the bigger the possibility of understanding the different economic, financial, and social realities.



The bachelor student from this program can pursue two careers: Accounting and/or Economics.




  • Private companies: limited liability corporations, limited businesses: industry, commerce, services;
  • Financing Institutions: commercial, investment, fund, and holder banks;
  • Governmental Agencies/Public Organs: Central Bank of Brazil, Brazilian Securities Commission (CVM), Ministry of Development, Ministry of Finance, Comptroller General (CGU), Federal Revenue Service, CADE (Administrative Council for Economic Defense);
  • NON-Governmental Organizations (NGO), third-sector institutions;
  • Consulting and/or Auditing firms;
  • High-Education Institutions.


According to the existing programs available today, the professional should necessarily have to take more than one undergraduate study in order to achieve a completer education which would meet the current work market needs, thus, overloading the student or retarding his/her entering the professional market.

The new program is designed for the following topics related to the development of the professional’s abilities and competences to make all the difference in his/her curriculum:

  • Ability to critically assimilate new technologies and scientific concepts, promote technological innovations, and view applications;
  • Ability to perform within an interdisciplinary and multi-professional teamwork;
  • Ability to understand, make decisions, and resolve organizational-and-public-related issues, based on ethical principles and parameters relevant to the social (national and/or international), political, economic, cultural, and professional realities;
  • Be aware of how important continued education is, its role as a transformation agent of the social reality, and its responsibility towards environment;
  • Understand professional ethical aspects, professional and environmental interaction, and the ability to develop social perspectives;
  • Develop abilities to understand the inter-relations of the multi-disciplinary knowledge acquired from his/her academic and/or professional responsibility;
  • Develop the capacity to analyze and figure out data and information with decision-making purposes;
  • Emphasize the characteristics of learning and understanding the environments that interact with the entity, from the internal aspects of the entity up to local and international aspects;
  • Emphasize the understanding of how relevant the economic and accounting information is, either within the capital market context or within the informational asymmetric reduction context between principal (environment) and agent (entity);
  • Generalist-humanistic, theoretical-practical, and technical-scientific education;
  • Lesser emphasis on the mechanical part involved in the preparation of accounting demonstrations, as well as in the memorization of specific national and international accounting rules;
  • Ethical behavior;
  • Provide for possibilities to experience in practice all knowledge acquired in the classroom;
  • Social responsibility;
  • Global and updated, critical view of the national and international economic and financial scenario;
  • Understanding the basic concepts of economic rationality and its application onto business management;
  • Develop the analytic capacity over economic issues;
  • Elaborate diagnoses about the economic-financial situation of the companies;
  • Develop consistent strategic reasoning;


For further information on how to be an Undergraduate student at FEA-RP, please visit: http://www.fearp.usp.br/en/index.php/study-at-fea-rp/seeking-degree-student/undergraduate

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