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On the occasion of its creation in 1992 as an extension of FEA (Faculty of Economics,Business Administration and Accounting at São Paulo), the inauguration Aula Magna of FEA-RP was given by the Secretary for Politics of the Ministry of Economy, Planning, and Finance of the government, Prof. Roberto Brás Matos Macedo. During the first ten years, the School had been most concerned about implementing and consolidating high-standard night undergraduate programs to become reference in the country. The lack of resources in the beginning did not discourage professors, employees, and students who endeavored to level FEA-RP/USP up to an A+ grade in the evaluations by MEC (Ministry of Education).





The autonomy of FEA-RP/USP came in 2002 (Resolution #4930 – the School creation), when daytime undergraduate programs in Business Administration were designed together with Master’s programs in Business Administration, Economics and Accounting.




FEA-RP/USP started to participate in programs of other schools such as Computational Sciences and Documentation and Mathematics Applied to Businesses, both under the responsibility of FFCLRP (Faculty of Philosophy, Sciences, and Letters of Ribeirão Preto).





With these new programs the number of students has expanded significantly, the entrance examination vacancies have surged from 135 to 265, and the number of undergraduate students, from 690, in 2002, and to 1626, in 2012. In addition, the number of graduate students, including the Doctoral program in Business Administration opened in 2010, went up to 183 in 2012. In 2010, several specialization programs including the MBAs started to be offered, with more than a thousand students enrolled. Furthermore, and following this process, there has been an expressive increase in the number of professors (from 41, in 2002, to 95, in 2012), and the number of technical staff for the same period has jumped from 22 to 66.


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Nowadays Prof. Dr. André Lucirton Costa and Prof. Dr. Fabio Augusto Reis Gomes are FEA-RP’s Dean and Associate Dean, respectively.


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