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This section supplies upkeeping, repairing, confectioning, assembling, and maintenance of properties, furniture, and installations related to electric, hydraulic, building (brickwork, glassworks, blacksmithing, painting, refrigeration etc.), woodwork, and telephony structures. These activities are carried out as preventive, periodical, and corrective maintenances directly or by means of specification, request, follow up, and validation of outsourced services. Moreover, it backs up events, shifting or moving furniture, and other occasions that give rise to operational support.


Marcelo Gaspardo (Head of Section)

Carlos Alberto Shoner

Oscar Silvio de Oliveira

Reinaldo Nagatane Kikugava

Rogério Vicentim

Telephone: +55 (16) 3315-4511

Fax: (16) 3315-3894

Working hours: 08am to 7pm

Sector for scheduling rooms and equipment: 07am to 11pm