"International Yearbook of Industrial Statistics 2014" disponível no CINFO

O Centro de Informações da FEARP (CINFO) informa que tem disponível para consulta o livro "International Yearbook of Industrial Statistics 2014" (20th edition).

O CINFO localiza-se no antigo Banco Real (casinha branca na saída pelo bloco B2) e está aberto de segunda a sexta, das 9h às 13h e das 14h às 18h.

Segue sinopse do livro.

"The International Yearbook of Industrial Statistics is a flagship publication of UNIDO that provides economists, planners, policy makers and business people with worldwide statistics on current level, structure and trends in the manufacturing sector. The Yearbook is designed to facilitate international comparisons relating to manufacturing activity and industrial development and performance. It provides data that can be used to analyse patterns of growth and related long-term trends, structural change and industrial performance in individual industries.

The present Yearbook consists of two parts. Part I deals with the manufacturing sector as a whole (section 1.1) and with its divisions/branches (section 1.2). Statistical indicators are presented in therms of percentage distributions, cross-country averages, rations and real growth rates that facilitate international comparison among selected country groups and/or economies. Graphical presentations followed by a brief description of the overall trend of world industrial growth are also displayed here. In the present publication data for manufacturing divisions/ branches are arranged according to Revision 3 of ISIC at the two- or three - digit level.

Part II consists of a series of country/area-specific tables showing detailed data on selected basic statistics that were reported by national statistical offices. Part II comprises country/area-specifictables presenting the following selected industrial statistics: number of establishments, number of employees (or, if not reported, number of persons engaged), wages and salaries paid to employees, output, value added, gross fixed capital formation and index numbers of industrial production. "