1. When are the classes taught?
Classes are held from Monday to Friday, from 8am to 1pm or from 1.30pm to 6.30pm. In general, the student must attend three subjects per trimester (1st trimester: March, April and May, 2nd trimester: June, July, August, 3rd trimester: September, October and November, with possible changes in accordance with the USP calendar schedule). Each subject occupies half the class period, leaving the student to study and development work in other periods.
2. Do the subjects last for one semester?
No, they last for one trimester.
3. What is the monthly cost?
There is no monthly charge.
4. Is it possible to do the Master’s/Doctorate and continue working?
It is expected that the student will give intense dedication to the program and will be willing to devote a considerable part of their time, due to the activities the student needs to develop. It is possible to continue working as long as there is flexibility regarding the work schedule, allowing all subjects to be attended and the dissertation to be prepared without causing any problems in the development of the program, which, for the Master’s, should be completed within a maximum of two years. Students who eventually receive scholarships from funding agencies cannot engage in any other activity, however, the number of scholarships for the program is very limited.
5. Is the course full-time or part-time?
The dedication to the course must be full-time, since the student will attend subjects, lectures and seminars, and prepare paper for submission and publication and the dissertation work.
6. Are scholarships offered?
Yes, currently there is a set quota of five Social Demand - CAPES (Federal Agency of Support and Evaluation of Postgraduate Education) type scholarships, the selection of which is made based on academic merit. Students can also submit their research projects to FAPESP (São Paulo Research Foundation).
7. How many in-class hours does each subject have?
Weekly, each subject has six hours of theoretical classes, two hours of practical classes, lectures, seminars and others, and seven hours of study giving a total workload of fifteen hours. The subjects will last nine weeks and will provide six credits per subject.
8. What is the maximum amount of subjects that can be attended per trimester?
The maximum limit depends on the availability and responsibility of each student.
9. What is the maximum time, from the beginning of the course, for the qualifying examination?
The maximum time in which the student must be approved in the examination is eighteen months from the beginning of the course, in the case of the Master’s.