Students from foreign institutions looking forward to taking part in their studies at FEA-RP (one semester as an exchange student) can do it by:

  • Being officially nominated by their home University to FEA-RP International Office - the home University must have an Agreement with FEA-RP to nominate the student. Individuals' nominations/applications will be not accepted. A list of the FEA-RP´s partners can be viewed here;
  • University of São Paulo (USP) International Office: In this case, the student’s home university must have an agreement with USP. Students coming from universities without any agreement will be evaluated as well but as a specific case. Please, see further information on the site of the USP International Office.


Undergraduate, Graduate, and Research Programs Exchange

Students regularly enrolled in foreign institutions (partners of FEA-RP or USP) are allowed to come and study undergraduate or graduate subjects for one semester or an Academic Year. FEA-RP´s International Office does not accept applications made by foreign students themselves. It is strictly necessary that the responsible person from the international relations of the foreign institution be in contact first and arrange the documents.


Requirements for students who would like to do an exchange semester at FEA-RP

  1. Study in a bachelor program in the field of Economics, Business Administration, and Accounting or related areas;
  2. It is recommended (not mandatoryat least a basic knowledge of Portuguese;
  3. For the MSc/Ph.D. exchange the student must have a Bachelor's degree diploma.




Grades may range from 0,0 to 10,0 and can be rounded to the nearest tenth. The student whose final grade in each course is 5,0 or higher, and whose attendance is 70% or higher, shall earn the applicable credits. One class credit corresponds to 15 contact hours in a semester, and one work credit corresponds to 30 hours in a semester. The transcript is complete and shows any failures and/ or registration suspension. 1 USP credit is equal to 1,5 ECTS


The student achievement in each subject shall be expressed by one of the following concepts: A: Excellent; B: Good; C: Satisfactory; R: Fail (no credits earned); T: Transferred. The student whose final grade is A, B, or C, and whose attendance is 75% or higher, shall earn the applicable credits. The completion of the necessary studies for a Master's or Doctorate is expressed in units of credit. The credit unit corresponds to 15 hours of activities.





Home University must send an e-mail to with the following information about each nominated student:

  • Full Name
  • Gender
  • Date of Birth
  • Nationality
  • Field of study in the home institution
  • Level of study to be taken at FEA-RP (bachelor/undergraduate, Master, Ph.D., Researchers)
  • Semester of exchange (Spring, Fall, or Academic Year)
  • Email
  • Address to which the acceptance letter must be sent

After receiving the nominations, the International Office will proceed with the registration of the nominee students.



2.1 Undergraduate

The students will receive an email with a link explaining how to proceed with the registration for their exchange at USP, through the USP MUNDUS system. Students must complete the data and upload the required documents and send the application.

Documents required

Students must upload the following documents:

  • Student´s photo(JPG)
  • Passport´s main page
  • Current Transcript of Records from Home University
  • Copy of international health insurance valid for the entire stay at FEA-RP/USP
  • Specific form filled by the home institution certificating the level of English proficiency


List of Courses
The Undergraduate courses exchange students can take at FEA-RP are listed below:


Timetables Spring Semester 2024


Timetables Fall Semester 2024


2.2 Application - Graduate

Graduate Students must send the documents only by email to, it's not necessary to send the hard copies by post. As soon as we receive the digital information, we are going to check it all. If there is any problem, we will inform the student by email.

Required documents

Documents required for applicants to Graduate (MSc or Ph.D.) and Research student

  • A photo size 3x4 cm scanned (JPG)
  • Copy of passport´s main page
  • Copy of international health insurance valid for the entire stay at FEA-RP/USP
  • Copy of Undergraduate program Diploma*
  • Copy of Undergraduate program Transcript*
  • Copy of current Graduate program Transcript*
  • Recommendation Letter from a professor at the home institution addressed to the FEA-RP/USP
  • Research plan (to be held at FEA-RP), indicating the beginning and end of the project and the Schedule of activities to be performed in FEA-RP in the specified period (click here to download the template)

(*)Note: Once the student is accepted, the mentioned documents (*) can be sent by the home University (not by the student's e-mail), and the student must attend in person at the Graduate Registrar Office of FEA-RP to sign some documents. In this case, it is not necessary to present the original documents(*) to enroll. Otherwise, if the student sends those documents (*) by him/herself, he/she must present the original documents (*) to enroll at the Graduate Registrar Office of FEA-RP. 


List of Courses

The courses of the Business Administration and Accounting programs are quarterly, and classes run in the periods: March to May; June to August; September to November. The courses of the Economics program are semesters and classes go from March to July (Spring semester), and from August to December (Fall Semester).

The Graduate courses exchange students may take at FEA-RP are listed below:

Business Administration





To be eligible for an exchange placement, the student must be officially nominated by the Exchange Coordinator from the home institution.

Graduate students (master's and doctorate) can participate in the exchange program to attend courses or to carry out research activities. A combination of the two exchange modalities is also possible. Students who want to take courses must be nominated within the established deadlines, while students who only want to carry out research activities can be accepted in a continuous flow. In this case, the student will mandatorily need a supervisor from FEA-RP/USP

Before applying

First, the student should contact the Exchange Coordinator (or equivalent) at his/her home institution in order to find out about the procedures for applying for an exchange position at FEA-RP/USP. To be eligible, it´s necessary for the student to be officially nominated by your institution.

Research-based exchange

Exchange students whose aim is to perform research activities at FEA-RP/USP under the supervision of a faculty member/researcher will need an invitation letter (please visit the section on application procedures below).

Students looking for a supervisor may check the full list of accredited supervisors. Their profiles and research interests will be found on the webpage of the Departments/Areas:

Business Administration:



 It´s also possible to browse the professor´s full academic profiles by clicking on their names and then on the link “Lattes” below the photo.

Before contacting a potential supervisor, the student should take her/his time to gather as much information as possible about the professor’s work before e-mailing her/him. When contacting a professor, the applicant should be precise about her/his research interests and attach a CV and a draft research proposal.

Programs, Areas of Concentration, and Research Interests

When applying, students will be required to indicate a Postgraduate Program, its relevant Area of Concentration, and possibly the corresponding Research Interests. A full list of Programs and Areas of Concentration is available at:

Business Administration:



Required Documents

  • To be eligible for an exchange placement, the student must be officially nominated by the Exchange Coordinator at their home institution.
  • Letter of recommendation from the professor abroad to the FEA-RP/USP professor responsible for acceptance;
  • Proof of Enrollment in a degree-granting program at the home university (Master’s or doctoral);
  • Research plan to be carried out at FEA-RP with:

                   a. Indication of the beginning and end of the project. The beginning and end must indicate the day, month, and year;

                  b. Graduate disciplines the student intends to study (separate from undergraduate disciplines, if any, preferably informing the codes), scheduling the activities to be carried out at FEA-RP/USP within the specified period (may be included in the research plan).


A study period abroad at USP can last up to 12 months. For a student to have access to all facilities available at USP and a special discount on USP Restaurants and public local transport, her/his stay should last a minimum of more than 3 months (from 91 days on). Students who stay at USP for 3 months (90 days) or less are regarded as special students and therefore will have limited access to facilities and services available at USP and in São Paulo State.;

  • Undergraduate Diploma or equivalent (and Graduate if you are a doctoral student);
  • Transcript of Records of undergraduate or equivalent (and Post-Graduation if you are a doctoral student);
  • Transcript of Records from the current Post-Graduation (current stage);
  • Completed student personal data sheet (for registration in the USP System);
  • A photo size 3x4 scanned (JPG)
  • Copy of passport´s main page
  • Copy of international health insurance valid for the entire stay at FEA-RP/USP.

Once the student is accepted, the above-related documents must be sent by the home University (not by the student's e-mail), and the student must attend in person at the Graduate Registrar Office of FEA-RP to sign some documents. In this case, it is not necessary to present the original documents to enroll. IMPORTANT: if the student sends those documents by him/herself, he/she must present the original documents to enroll at the Graduate Registrar Office of FEA-RP.



Schedule for students applying as Exchangers at FEA-RP/USP

Fall term (August to December)

  • Nomination and Application: From April 1st to April 30th
  • Evaluation of applications: From May 1st to 15th
  • Issue of acceptance letters: From May 15th to 30th


Spring term (March to July)

  • Nomination and Application: until October 1st, and until October 30th
  • Evaluation of applications: from 1st to 30th of November
  • Issue of acceptance letters: from 1st to 15th of December

Orientation (undergraduate students)

At the beginning of each semester, usually a few days before classes start, the International Office of FEA-RP organizes a welcome reception with important and practical information for the exchange students. There are no fees charged to attend this event, and it´s mandatoryThe schedule and details of the reception are sent to the students on time. Besides the practical information, other activities like dynamic integration, campus tour, and city tour also happen, always in partnership with iTeam (it´s a student entity that assists foreign students).


Students will have to choose the subjects after their acceptance. However, the enrollment process has to be done at the beginning of classes, under the International Office´s orientation. We´ll keep the students informed about it.


English Subjects and Portuguese Language Program

Portuguese is the official language of Brazil and all public educational institutions must, by the force of our Constitutionteach classes in that languageHowever, we can offer some subjects in English, which are disclosed in our schedule each semesterTo help international students, a Portuguese Language course is offered.

The course develops skills in speaking, listening, reading, and writing promoting fluency in the environment for foreign students. Classes take place twice a week and it is free of fee.



  • USP and FEA -RP offers the following facilities for foreign students:
  • Library
  • USP Card
  • University Restaurant
  • Sports Center
  • Wi-fi
  • Computer labs
  • Buddy program
  • Housing program
  • Research opportunities
  • Further details on those facilities will be disclosed at orientation meetings.



There is a group of students on campus called iTeam whose aim is to assist exchange students in every aspect from their arrival to their departure. The iTeam USP-RP through its Housing program helps international students find housing in Ribeirão Preto. All incoming students will be assisted by this program. After being accepted, students will be put in touch with the iTeam students, who will provide support. The exchange student is in charge of paying for the accommodation. FEA-RP/USP does not offer student accommodation on campus.


Visa and Registration with the Federal Police

Before traveling:

Exchange Students must get a specific visa to enter Brazil as a student - the TEMPORARY VISA ITEM IV.

A TOURIST VISA or WORK VISA does not allow the student to register on the USP System or use the University´s facilities. In case of doubts regarding the Visa, please get in touch with us BEFORE coming to Brazil.

Foreigners wishing to study or carry out scientific research in Brazil must obtain a student or researcher visa from the Brazilian Embassy or Consulate in their country. Documents and procedures may vary for each case, however, in most cases, among the documents requested are:

- Form completed on the website

- Passport valid for 6 (six) months or more

- If the parentage is not shown in the passport, the interested party must present an additional document that proves it.

- A 3x4 photograph, less than six months old, front view, white background

- Original invitation letter, confirming the student/researcher's acceptance or vacancy reservation, issued by a Brazilian educational institution or original proof that he/she is already effectively enrolled in an educational establishment (with mandatory recognition by the Ministry of Education-MEC) and in which the duration of the course is also mentioned.

- Proof of subsistence:

- For scholarship holders: a scholarship certificate indicating the amount to be received monthly and the duration of the scholarship

- For non-scholars: proof of their financial capacity or term of responsibility from the person who will cover the foreigner's expenses during his/her entire stay in Brazil

- Health insurance valid throughout the Brazilian territory that offers coverage, including for treatment and hospitalization; or PB4 from Social Security

- Clearance of criminal record (criminal record)

- Parental travel authorization in the case of a minor, as well as an indication of the person responsible in Brazil, with a notarized signature.

Remember that for further details and guidance, foreigners should always contact the Brazilian Embassy or Consulate closest to their residence. It is also important to find out about mandatory vaccinations.

For more information regarding Student Visas visit this link; for further details on mandatory registration with the Brazilian Federal Police visit its website



In Brazil

Foreigners will have 30 (thirty) days from the date of arrival in Brazil to register with the Federal Police in the city where they will be based, to obtain the CRNM (Carteira de Registro Nacional Migratório - National Migration Registry Card), which is an identity card for foreigners. Students should inform us of the arrival date in Brazil in advance because the Federal Police Service is done with a prior appointment.

FEA-RP International Office will help you to schedule a visit to the Federal Police and someone from CAPEE (USP-RP Center of Support for Foreign Visitors) will be there with you to get the correct documents done, help you fill out the forms, get the certified copies and pay the fees. You just need to bring the original documents.

The Federal Police will require the following documents to issue a CRNM:

  • Original valid passport;
  • Visa application form;
  • Proof of payment of R$204,77, for the foreigner ID;
  • Two (02) recent photos, size 3x4 (colored, white background, front, unadorned smooth paper); 

The documents requested and the fees may have sudden changes, so it's always important to be aware.


Steps to do the Federal Police Registration

  1. You should go to the CAPEE Office (Rua das Paineiras, house 4, Campus USP – see the Campus Map HERE) to schedule the day of the appointment with the Federal Police. On this day you should bring with you the following documents:

a. Passport

b. Visa application form

c. Your address in Brazil

  1. On this day, and ONLY if you bring those documents, will be scheduled your appointment at the Federal Police
  1. On the scheduled day, you must go back to the CAPEE with the same documents mentioned above, plus the declaration of housing signed by the person responsible for your república / home (notarized) and approximately R$230.00 in cash for payments, to perform the following:

          d. Payment of fees

          e. Photo

  1. After these procedures you will be taken to the Federal Police Office to effectively do your CRNM;
  1. Send a copy to the International Office of your CRNM protocol.

For further information, please contact:

Centro de Apoio para Professores e Estudantes Estrangeiros da USP Ribeirão Preto - CAPEE (USP-RP Center of Support for Foreign Visitors)


Phone: (55) (16) 3315-4926

Location: Rua das Paineiras, Casa 4, Campus da USP-RP


Extension of Exchange Semester

If you are already an exchange student at FEA-RP and want to extend your stay for another semester you must contact your home university first. If they approve your request, they have to nominate you to FEA-RP´s International Office for one more semester.

After receiving the nomination from the home university, the International Office of FEA-RP will review the request. If accepted, we will contact the student to provide orientation on how to extend the visa and other administrative details.